Good morning to all of our dear American family,

No one can deny before God that we are walking in very tragically sad, volatile, and scary times. Martin Luther King could NEVER have seen this coming. In the past twenty five years or more, this Nation has been on a fast, downward decline. We can all argue the many different reasons why we feel this is the case, for hours on end.

Sadly, no one can soberly deny that it was largely due to a huge amount of the world suddenly becoming enamored with the two-faced, good-and-evil creation of man called Technology. It reared its head within our families, homes, and minds - with all of its toys, amenities, and its apparent super star, "Social Media," to connect you with old friends and associations. All the while, it was also connecting evil with evil as never before on a global scale.

Everyone was so into its feel-good, bright lights and dazzling ways, (which were and are still wonderful for so many individuals) that sadly, only few closely payed attention to the whole picture and saw what lay on the horizon. The Devil was in the details on the flip side of it, spawning and birthing something wicked. To add to this horror, then came the plague... it's here, and it's real but as for its origins... someone knows... and that's the simple truth. We are all praying that The Lord will quickly and finally bring this to an end.

Now that the bogyman has arrived in its untimely birth, I pray, walking into the future, that all will remember the Human Connection that got left behind somehow. I pray especially for those who CLAIM to know The Lord Jesus, that they will walk more humbly and sober-minded IN GRACE and with a brotherly kindness to ALL men - whether or not you consider someone a friend. (Matthew 5:43-44-45 Ye have heard that it hath been said, thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy, but I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven )

Martin L. King had this mindset, the mind of Christ, in all he set forth his hand to do, proving his beliefs, WITH PEACE according to JESUS, the author of peace.

May God bless you all and keep you safe.

The HCH Team